Well I have been banging on about it for ever but today I finally had a go with the camera in the water. This shot (above) really gives you an idea of the size of the set waves that were coming through.
If you click on an image you'll get a bigger version.

This is Boy Wonder above (Robin) doubling as Buzz Light Year.

It was a bit tricky at the point and with only one take-off area and some big smokers ploughing through regularly, I decided it was a good time to go out on the boogie board and try out the camera instead.I am a little disappointed with the results - it was quite difficult to try and stay in position, stay out of the way and duck dive with a camera as well. I was in a rather nasty spot that was dumping pretty severely at times.
The water fogged up the lens and I had big drops of water on it on the outside of the waterproof camera case (which I think is an oxymoron)
Anyway, no doubt I will get better. Even if I don't the experience was exhilerating because of the large dose of negative ions and solid exercise I got.


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