During a conversation with some ‘new’ friends the other night I made a comment that the root cause of suicide was the ‘ego’, something I had figured out myself in one of my depressive states, but which had also been influenced by Osho’s opinion of it. This is a ‘potted’ version of what he says:

People commit suicide not because they are really finished with life but because life is not fulfilling their demands. But no life ever fulfills anybody’s demands. You will always go on missing something or other.

In the East, people commit suicide because of hunger, starvation; you have to be compassionate towards them. The suicide rate is four times higher in the West, people commit suicide because they have everything, and they feel life is meaningless.

Wo/Man’s creativity is fulfilled only when paradise is created inside. One can paint beautiful pictures and yet may live in hell. Van Gogh painted beautiful pictures and committed suicide. Many poets, like Mayakovsky and others, have written beautiful poems but committed suicide. Great philosophers have gone mad, committed suicide, like Friedrich Nietzsche. Their philosophical understanding did not help.

Meaning is of the head, and if you go on searching through the head you will come to the same conclusions as Jean-Paul Sartre and other existentialist philosophers. They say: Life is meaningless. The only thing worth doing is committing suicide….

To feel that life is utterly meaningless is to be on a crossroads: either you choose suicide or you choose sannyas; either you choose madness or you choose meditation. Life is certainly meaningless, but tremendously joyful, hilarious… a dance, a song, a beauty. Only one thing is helpful: that I call love.

Love infinitely.

Now if only I could figure out what 'love' actually is.


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