Promotion for Some, Legal Insanity and Romance for a Goalie...

The old saying goes that you have to be crazy to be a goalie. As it applies to any sport where the rules permit a man between the sticks, posts, wood; these madmen are the last line of defense. They make the great stops and do their best to keep, as they say, the other team honest.

The promotion of Italian soccer team Novara to the top flight of Italian football inspired a memorable performance from goalkeeper Jimmy Fontana. Nothing of his performance had to do with his play during the game.

Do all Italian's celebrate like this? Perhaps (Cameronesi goes barbershop in 2006 World Cup win).

Fontana channeled his inner drug addict, drunk, and semi-nude firefighter for these recorded rampages. What can be learned from this? Nothing, other than the need to design soccer jerseys that Italian's cannot remove their lower extremities. And perhaps a future marriage between Fontana and whom I am assuming is the manager of Novara.

Some players see a promotion, some fans see a beginning to life in the top division in Italian football; goalkeeper Jimmy Fontana saw the chance to embrace some hybrid character from Scareface, Backdraft, and Y Tu Mama Tambien (for the kissing I guess).

More evidence to stereotype that goalie's are absolutely mental.


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