
A little over a month ago I bought my new cell phone and signed my new contract. A couple of days later I sent in the paperwork for my $50 rebate. Today I received a card telling me the rebate couldn't be processed because there was no service for the phone number. ACK!!! That did NOT make my day.

With a full head of steam and a boatload of righteous indignation, I called the help number. I was coldly polite and ready to unleash the hounds of hell on the customer service representative. We got the preliminary chit-chat over with and I supplied her with the information she needed to find out what went wrong. She read me the phone number that was written on the rebate form and that was when I knew where the problem was: I had supplied my LAND LINE number and NOT my cell phone number. OOPS!!!! I apologized profusely and we had a good laugh when I told her that I had been prepared to rip her a new a**hole over this entire deal, only to find out it was MY fault and not theirs. SHE was grateful that 'this time' it was the customer's fault. I should be getting my rebate check in less than a month.


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