shack update

For those of you who didn't see these on Robin's Facebook site, here is an update. The bathroom cabinet (I hate 'white-goods' and bathrooms that look too much like bathrooms), the bathroom looking through to the shower recess on right, the living room and it's orange wall looking into my studio and..,,my studio, lined with Corodek (used to be called ColourBond).

Trimming yet to be done but we will do that when we are there. Will start moving in during the September holidays, not sure when we will actually move in ourselves.

I am knackered......9 months of building, trying to keep up with a job, all the paperwork, write a conference paper and finish my TAA training at work. I hit a bit of a brick wall this week and felt really tired for the first time BUT...I will rally and look forward to seeing how all of our (mainly my) crazy ideas work together. This is the fun bit!


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