NFL Prediction Battle Week 2: OTB gains on the GSNHOF

Ah week two. Some blow outs, but a lot of great games. With a lot of great plays, like the Andre Johnson one pictured above. Which both Outside the Boxscore and the Great Sports Name Hall of Fame predicted WRONG.

So that sucks.

And overall, the two blogs finished pretty close this week, with Outside the Boxscore edging the competition by a win:
GSNHOF's picks (9-7)
OTB's picks (10-6)

Overall though, GSNHOF is still up 4 games:

Current Standings (After 2 Weeks)
23-9 - Great Sports Name Hall Of Fame
19-13 - Outside The Boxscore (4 Games Back)

The gap closed a bit, but we'll see what happens in week 3. Predictions will be up later this week, and make sure you take a look at them so you can be amazed by how well we did (or just make fun of us for doing such a terrible job, either/or). And if you're particularly interested, I made a home post for the competition at GSNHOF (You can check it out here.)


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