Tons of blogs have their version of NFL predictions. So what makes ours different?
Well, for one, ours are correct. We wise members of OTB and the GSNHOF know what we're talking about when we talk football, and so we expect to guess right about the outcomes of these games. I wouldn't bet the house on us, but we're just about that good.
Most importantly though, this year OTB and the GSNHOF are making our NFL predictions against one another. That's right, mano a mano, who's psychic and who's psycho. My predictions (Nelly-ified) are already up over at the Great Sports Name Hall of Fame. Ben of OTB's will be posted on here tomorrow. It should be a good competition, as we'll try and keep the predictions interesting, we'll do weekly recaps, and there may even be a guest star or two. Good stuff in the making.
The best part? We haven't figured out what we're battling for yet. I personally don't want it to be just a pride contest, so I'm hoping that something better comes into my head. I kind of like the stipulation bets, i.e. if you lose you have to do this, if I lose I have to do this. But until I think of something specific, I'll leave it up to you readers: what should be on the line for me and Ben in this bet? Let us know in the comments.
The Great NFL Prediction Battle - Outside the Boxscore vs. the Great Sports Name Hall of Fame
6:30 AM