Derrick Rose can't be stopped...except by knives

Most of you are probably reading the above and asking the same question, what in the hell are you talking about?

Chicago Bulls rookie point guard Derrick Rose has another interesting injury to add to the bizarre injury list. He injured himself by accidentally rolled onto a knife that he was using to eat an apple in bed.

Yes, you heard correct. He injured himself by accidentally rolling on a knife that he was using to cut an apple. He needed ten stitches to close the gash on his left-fore arm.

Here is how Rose described how it happened, “It was a silly incident. I was cutting up some food and I laid on a knife getting lazy in bed. I went to go get a bottle of water, came back, forgot the knife was there, then sat down and sliced my arm.”

Rose isn’t expected to miss any playing time due to this injury but the real injury is probably to his pride.


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