July 1--A Big Day

Last week on June 22 at The New Moon I wrote that July 1 is a very active day. One that is worthy of our attention to say the least!

Early in the Morning (3:37am EDT) Uranus turns retrograde.

Uranus is going retrograde on July 1 and will remain such until December
1. Uranus moves backwards every year so this move is not
unique. Uranus is a mental planet like its lower octave planet Mercury, so
when it retrogrades we tend to go back and rethink stuff. We wonder what
made us do stuff, why we did this and why we did that. However, it
is not a passive period where we casually think, “Gosh, I wonder what that was
all about?” It has more grit to it and we think more, “That was such a
mess how I can change things so I don’t do that again?” Of course
coming up with a solution can be difficult and we may get frustrated. This
is when things can go snap and people do something very impulsive.
Try to avoid that!!! The key is to remember the truth is that there is
always a solution. It will just take a lot of creativity, intuition and a
small bit of genius ( A Uranus word). Of course getting the mind to accept
the creativity is usually the hardest step. Meditation and
reflection (Pisces) will help a lot during the next five months

And we have a lot of other activity.

On July 1 we have Uranus turning retrograde (see above) and we have Venus
squaring Neptune (4:01pm EDT) which brings out a lot of illusions about loved
ones. And we will have Mercury trine Neptune (4:48pm EDT) which will
soften the blow such that even if we are feeling betrayed or just sad our mind
will remind us, “This too will pass”. Then later Mercury makes a great aspect
with Jupiter (9:34pm EDT) that will lift our spirits even
further. But at the very end of the day Mercury goes and gets into
it with Uranus (10:13pm EDT) and pushes us perhaps too far. My
suggestion is stay off the phone and the internet during the evening. It will
just piss you off.


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