Your still my Superstar, Terrell Owens

Well, clearly the summer cannot be ever complete without Terrell Owens being in the limelight and this time it's not him doing the talking.

ABC "Superstars" which is pretty much a cheap rip-off of "Battle of the Network Stars" has supermodel Joanna Krupa ripping her partner Terrell Owens.

The best line of the clip is Krupa calling Terrell out, "He calls himself an athlete." I guess she did learn something from Terrell Owens, the best idea when you are not successful is to bad-mouth your teammates and take the blame off of yourself.

Maybe it was a good idea that he did get voted off after all, can we still send Joanna Krupa to "I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here"?

(Courtesy of Awful Announcing)


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