Jupiter turns retrograde, the action of Jupiter is reversed so that the emphasis
is upon inner awareness and inner growth. It is an excellent time to get in
touch with personal integrity. Jupiter rules role playing in order evoke a
positive external reaction. When transiting Jupiter is afflicting natal planets,
you will find yourself dealing with phoniness in both yourself and others. When
Jupiter is retrograde, you should evaluate how you are not being honest with
yourself because you are playing a role that is disloyal to your true self. When
opportunities arise while Jupiter is retrograde, they are the result of seeds
planted in the past from people met or connections made in the past.go to link for the rest of the article!
I will return when i put out the fires over here IRL!
small note...
7:37 AM
Dear Friends, I am sorry I have not been able to post in the last few days. I have been slammed with some outside projects... I think I am going to come up for air in the next day or so..and I'll post...
I apologize for not bringing you up to speed on Jupiter's retrograde on Monday I also neglected to put in my Gemini New Moon (this is what happens when you have too many windows open on your computer..yikes.) In the meantime..let me send you to a nice little write up